My friend Elaine Birch.
I truly loved my friend.
46 years.
We were 17 years old when we first met and remained loyal to each other all through those years.
And through ALL those years we met up together most weeks for lunch or coffee right up until a weak before Christmas 2014.
We had met up at the Corner Stone Christian tea shop just above the police station in Dudley. We frequently met there!
I remember commenting on how lovely she looked in her maroonny top and black cardigan with silver edging.
In our early days we were courting two friends and then was how we met.
The boys introduced us.
John and Elaine continued their relationship but I went on to meet and marry someone else.
Our children would play together over the years as we would get together each week. We would go out shopping together for the day children in tow.
And sometimes we woud just sit sipping tea and chatting as the children played in front of us with there toys.
But going back a bit I can remember walking from Elaine's mom's house in our rollers up to the local shop and Elaine saying her mom would be so embarrassed in front of the neighbours.
Some Saturday's we would spend shopping for a new dress to go out in that night or we would spend all day pinning, cutting out and seeing one in her mother's living room.
Elaine used to have to go to confession every week and would sometimes be late off the bus meeting me in Dudley an hour or so earlier than we were to meet the boys so we could have a good old chinwag before they arrived.
Our children have all grown up now and we each have several grandchildren and Elaine one great grandchild.
Many years have passed and we have shared so many memories.
We have talked A LOT and drank A LOT (tea) !
We have laughed A LOT and we have cried together. We have always been there for each other knowing we could depend on each other.
We would sit in the garden in the Spring, Summer and Autumn when the weather was good as we both enjoyed being out in the sun. We sat in the shade as we got older and wiser, but we were not quite so sensible when we were young. We would sit in the midday heat rubbing oil and vinegar on our skins hoping for a nice tan. It's all part of the foolishness of youth isn't it?
I can't quite accept that she has gone, that I won't meet her and we will spend an afternoon together. It is very early days and I'm sure that when it really hits me I will shed many tears.
She was and always has been and integral part of my life.
Some friends are true gifts from God and mean more to you than family. She was one of those people.
I thank Almighty God for His gift of Elaine Birch to me at the tender age of 17years and although she's not here with me now He gave her to me to part of my life for a very long time. As I said at the beginning 46 years.
Life passes quickly and as someone said to me "along life is a short life" and so it was God's time for Elaine to leave me and all those she loved and who loved her but she will never diminish in my mind for she had become a part of who I am !
All my love Mary x